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Planning Board Minutes 7/23/15
Planning Board minutes for Thursday July 23, 2015

The meeting opened at 7:05 p.m.

Members present: Alan Salamon, Pat Salomon, Maggie Leonard, co-chair, and Stephen Enoch, co-chair. Enoch chaired the meeting and Leonard took the minutes.

Public present: Kay Purcell. Kay was here as an interested citizen and also a potential proponent of the Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) zoning bylaw proposal.

The minutes from June 25 and July 9 were both unanimously approved as written.

Kay Purcell stated that she is in favor of an ADU zoning bylaw.  Purcell noted that there is an aging population and people would like to continue to live in their home as long as it is safe and healthy. She addressed concerns about “one-acre zoning” by suggesting that the bylaw could specify that the ADU be within a certain proximity of the primary dwelling unit. Enoch agreed that safe and healthy housing for elderly residents was a big motivation for creating the ADU bylaw. Purcell left at 7:50 p.m.

The board reviewed the future meetings scheduled in order to nail down a date to meet with the Building Commissioner regarding the ADU zoning bylaw proposal. Pat Salomon suggested that she initiate an online poll—Doodle Poll--to see which meeting in the near future most members could attend and then inviting the BC. The board agreed to shoot for a public hearing for the ADU in November.

The board discussed the proliferation of signs and agreed that we need to speak to the Select Board and get a handle on things. Tom Sawyer wrote an article for the Monterey News to give citizens a general “heads up” about the existence of the sign bylaw.

The board discussed noise ordinances and asked Leonard to get info from surrounding towns.

Respectfully submitted,
Maggie Leonard, co-chair